Organic Sekowa baking ferment

Organic Sekowa baking ferment
The Sekowa baking ferment, based on Hugo Erbe's recipe, is a dough leavener with incomparable properties. Incomparable because, unlike other baking products, it is made from high quality honey, organically grown peas and corn. Which is processed with spontaneous fermentation. The nectar yeasts and ferments contained in honey break down the grain in a very special way, resulting in a mild, incomparable taste of t
he baked products. With Sekowa baking ferment, any grain can be used to make many kinds of pastries and bread. Due to the use of corn, this ferment is gluten-free and therefore also suitable for people who want to eat gluten-free, for example people with celiac disease.

Click here for instructions and basic recipes

Sekowa baking ferment is available in 60g, 150g and 700g

This article is available in various sizes

Organic Sekowa baking ferment


€ 3.50

Organic Sekowa baking ferment


€ 7.95

Organic Sekowa baking ferment


Temporarily unavailable C1666
€ 29.95
Ingredients: corn flour*, pea flour*, honey*